Rising to the Challenge: Non-Profits in the Age of COVID
June 30, 2020 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Rising to the Challenge: Non-Profits in the Age of COVID
The COVID-19 crisis shuttered LGBTQ non-profit services, curbing public gatherings, making it more difficult to serve their clients and their needs and to host events to raise needed funds. At the same time, many groups found that the demand for their services increased dramatically given the vulnerabilities many New Yorkers faced. How did they cope, what challenges lie ahead when the pandemic passes or if it resurges, and what longer-term lessons are there from this tragic period?
Moderator: Paul Schindler, Founding Editor-in-Chief – Gay City News
Alex Roque, President and Executive Director – Ali Forney Center
Carmen Neely, Co-Founder and President – Harlem Pride
Floyd Rumohr, Chief Executive Office – e Center
Sean Coleman, Founder and Executive Director – Desination Tomorrow
Emmett Findley, Communications Director – God’s Love We Deliver
Sean Coleman, Founder and Executive Director – Destination Tomorrow
Ineke Mushovic, Executive Director – Movement Advancement Project
Sponsored by: AARP, MetroPlus Health, NYC Health + Hospitals Kings County, APICHA, AHF