Community Forums
Established in the Fall of 2011, Harlem Pride Community Forums are a place for us to address concerns that affect our community. They allow us to come together to discuss, plan and implement solutions to the many issues we face, as well as inform and educate ourselves. These are also opportunities for specific segments of our community (i.e. trans*, youth, etc.) to meet, communicate, and plan activities that directly address their specific needs. Topics are chosen based upon the needs and requests of our community.
Economic empowerment is essential to the longevity and well-being of SGL/LGBT communities. It helps solidify our collective foundation and promotes self-sufficiency.
HIV/AIDS Research & Prevention
In partnership with Columbia University’s Department of Prevention & Treatment.
Our focus will be on providing news, updates, and access to and about the latest advancements and research findings about HIV/AIDS.
Workshops build and strengthen the skills of Harlem’s SGL/LGBT to advocate for themselves and their community.